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[Resistance 3]

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[Resistance 3] Empty [Resistance 3]

Message  Aeneman Dim 17 Oct - 14:02

Suite du sympathique, Resistance 2 (sans déconner?), édité par Insomniac et Sony, ils remettent le couvert avec un moteur sacrément boosté!

[Resistance 3] Resistance-3-logo-gamesmediapro


Le 1 et 2 avaient pour intérêt de nombreux modes jouables en coopération à 2, pour le 1. Et pour le 2, un mode multi très riche.
C'était plutôt pas mal.

Trailer E3:

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Topic à compléter.

Messages : 164
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2010
Age : 42
Localisation : Lausanne

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[Resistance 3] Empty Re: [Resistance 3]

Message  Aeneman Mer 10 Nov - 21:51


The information has been published in a German Magazine and we have collected all the key points for you below -

* Capelli will be willing to do anything to protect his wife and child in the game
* The development process is going steadily for the game however, the HUD is mostly empty right now and the design and modelling of weapons is not over.
* The team's still not decided over whether the game offer you with health packs which will replenish your health or will go with the classic health bar.
* The aiming mechanics of the game will be easier
* Resistance 3 is not similar to Call of Duty games but it's made in order to appeal to shooter lovers.
* New weapons will be available in the game which have not been announced yet.
* Carbine, Auger and Hedgehog grenades will be back.
* You cannot drive vehicles in the game but can be a passenger mounting the weapons and firing them while someone else drives.
* The final 6 months of development will be devoted to optimizing the graphics and visual style of the the game.
* The game will be designed in such a way that the player will always get the feeling that someone or something is following him and doesn't feel safe anywhere.
* The NPC have seen some major upgrades and they will react in a much more interactive way to your actions
* Some survivors have settled in a school and are formed a group. They have turned into cannibals and can eat other quietly.

Messages : 164
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2010
Age : 42
Localisation : Lausanne

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